Monday, 22 April 2019

This is intern

Origin of Intern:
  • Worked with a blog called KLLKT, that was set up by friends, inspired intern by talking and putting out other creatives work; whilst Alec studied an MA in sociology.
  • Worked as an intern at Domus, getting into magazine publishing. The magazine was all about architecture. 
  • Editor of Domus asked Alec to move to Milan and work towards Milan Architecture design week. 
  • Wrote a review on an installation in Washington, the highlight of the time at Domus.
Making Intern:

Why intern - no one was talking about interns in a way that was approachable.

Started - printing with the newspaper club, 5 copies printed, gave the publication the opportunity to establish a visual identity for the magazine.

Kickstarter video - led to donations for about 7000, exchanged donations for advertising space within the magazine.

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