Sunday, 20 May 2018

Creative Report - Evaluation

Overall I believe that my creative report has helped me develop in a multitude of ways through contacting the designers themselves, my confidence has been boosted to further contact more artists and creatives, and make connections with new people to possibly collaborate with at a later date. This has led me to keep in contact with one of the people I contacted to create the report and arrange some work experience over the summer in a studio in Birmingham.
The report has also made me consider the way I ask questions, each question which I asked was something I was concerned about in my design and considering talking in my third year. Not only has the answers of the questions helped me in terms on understanding these issues but also in gaining the assurance that I can contact industry professionals and talk to them about progressive issues.

Overall if I were to do this part of the module again I would make sure to gain some interview experience face to face with the creatives themselves and ensure to gain a more of a personal level of interaction.

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