Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Studio Brief 2 - Feedback

Studio brief two presentation went well and I believe that I got all the points across that I wanted to, whilst engaging with the audience. I made sure to be turned to the audience majority of the time, to keep eye contact and engagement. I tried to make small jokes using sarcasm about myself and relating it back to my brand, to give it some personality and bring the presentation to life rather than simply reading from a script. I thought this was a big part of my presentation as the brand is based around my personality, so I wanted as much of it to be as evident as possible.

From the feedback I received I gathered that I was successful in presenting within this way, in terms of presenting skills it was said that I have a voice that carries across the audience and grabs their attention. Although in terms of the self-branding itself, I was given the advice that, I should push the idea of my brand being based around my glasses, making it really obvious to the audience. I thought I already did this through the use of the shaping of the logotype but it could be improved by making it evidently clear that the idea is based around my bad eyesight being caused from design. As a development branding in the future this is something I'll take into consideration, taking an element of the branding which is influenced and pushing it to make it obvious. It was also said while presenting I did reference the screen at some points to remind myself of what I was saying this is something I will be working on within the next presentation. Personally I also noticed a lot of gaps within my speaking this is something I want to work on to the next presentation, as it will be longer and more detailed, as well as more about my personal development through imagery and therefore will need explaining with more detail.

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