Monday, 6 May 2019

Cinema 4D - New Software

License Request
Teaching myself cinema 4D

Teaching myself cinema 4D
This year I decided to take advantage of the fact that most software is available to students alone would or free cost, one of the software is available in Cinema 4D. Cinema 4D enables you to create realistic 3-D motion graphics.

This is an area of graphic design which I highly struggle with, but due to the moving integral structure of the industry itself, I decided to invest in an educational license and attempt to use tutorials be able to teach me the software at free moments of time.

As can be seen below I used YouTube tutorials such as these to be able to follow and gain an understanding of the software itself. Due to the intense workload that comes with the third year as well as the amount of work I've been doing to be able to find a position ready to leave university with, I've been doing this very slowly. Nevertheless, it is something that I will attempt to continue to do.
I believe keeping up with trends in design is something that is extremely important and something I want to do as I move forward within the industry. By keeping up with designs and self-teaching: sure to always be designed to the best of my ability and offer something new to the industry.

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