Sunday, 5 May 2019

Pitching and Networking

Out there: Talking about your work effectively, dont put your work down!

Communicate about your work effectively and positivley, how can you be trusted to be a creative with someone else's practice if you cant with your own?

You already deal with communication within your practice - Design is a method of communication

Focus on - 

  • Pitching
  • Networking
  • Sumbissions

Elevator Pitch Concept

A short pitch which you could give to someone in the time that you spend in a lift with them.

Choose a favourite project to date, or current project you are working on.

Write one sentence that tells you what, how & why?

What is the key idea?
How does it work?
Why does it work?

Project: Balance Cosmetics
  1. The key idea was to create a cosmetics brand not focused to either gender.
  2. The branding uses non genderised colours to recognise products, rather than imagery and texture to represent the brand. 
  3. The branding is clear and therefore doesnt have any visual connotations with any gender stereotypes. 


Have a clear ask - if you ask a clear question it is harder for someone to avoid it, be cheeky.
Face to face - go and meet someone rather than over the phone or e-mail, again it is hard to ignore someone that is infront of you
Make an email more interesting - add movement, or branding, anything to add some sort of visual point of difference.
Social Media - contact people in different ways

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